
Multiple Sclerosis Support Group Los Angeles

Multiple Sclerosis & Disabilities Programs.

One on one case management, monthly support group meetings, home visits, hospital visits and more!

Health Access

Wellness & Health AccessPrograms.

Familia Unida is passionate about the importance of health access and disease prevention for a better heathy community.

Employment Network


Are you on disability and want to return to work? Learn more about our workforce counseling program and referral's.

Why choose Us?

Community OutreachWorkshops & Events.

In the community providing information and resources about our programs and services along with community resources year round.

Food Bank

Food PantryHappy Families.

Familia Unidas' food bank assist hundreds of families a year with fresh fruits and vegetables, bread, snacks, clothing, toiletries and more

Why choose Us?

Community Partners.Linkages.

Familia Unida embraces its community partners and believes in working together to better serve those in need.

Why choose Us?

Leadership Academy.Tomorrows Leaders.

Familia Unida has strong agreements with local universities to provide leadership training and scholarship linkages.

Social Footprint

Social Footprint.Digital Responsibility

Familia Unida loves connecting with the community utilizing social media. Follow us to learn more about our daily messages on health, wellness, disability support, immigration information, and fun facts!

Make A Difference

Donate Today to Our Programs and Services

Your donation funds:

  • Programs
  • Food Pantry
  • Home Visits
  • Hospital Visits
  • Community Outreaches
  • Direct Member Services
  • Wheelchair Wash
  • Kids Corner Activities
We Appreciate Any Amount
$:)thank you